Electronics and Communication Engineering
Course Vision
To become a centre of excellence in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and produce high Quality, Creative and ethical engineers.
Course Mission
M1. To impart high quality electronics and communication engineering education and professional ethics to students through adequate Laboratories and qualified faculty members.
M2. To enrich the academic activities by continual improvement in the teaching - learning process with a special focus to rural youths.
M3. To have adequate mechanisms to enhance understanding of implementation of theoretical concepts in practical scenarios leading to research and development.
M4. To endeavour for constant upgradation of technical expertise producing complete professionals and entrepreneurers to cater to the needs of the society and to meet the global challenges.
M5. Creating awareness among the students about the influence of Electronics and Communication based global environmental pollution.
PEOs ,PSOs and POs
Faculty Profile
National Board of Accreditation(NBA)
Curriculum & Syllabi
Department Library
Innovative Teaching and Learning
Funded Projects
Anna University Rank Holders
Placement Details
Feedback form
Graduation Details
Higher Studies and Entrepreneur
Research Activities
Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Non-Teaching Staff Members Profile
Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College Kovilvenni – 614 403
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning
Faculty members provide quality study materials to enrich students. Mode of teaching in this institute is not only limited to the traditional Chalk & Talk methods, But also an amalgamation of the modern technology (e.g. power point presentation, audiovisual teaching, online teaching etc.)
Use of modern teaching aids like LCD projectors, Internet enabled computer systems, Wi-Fi enabled laptops are usually employed in classrooms and other student learning environments.
Interactive learning through google classrooms and google forms for quiz- Faculty members involves the students to an active learning mode through google classrooms and conduct analytical quiz through google forms.
The course plans are distributed among the students by the subject teacher well in advance of the commencement of the class. Faculty shares the study materials among the students via e-mail, websites, hand-outs etc.
The biggest resource for self-learning is obviously the college library. The college library not only possesses plenty of books to meet the students’ syllabus oriented needs, but it also houses numerous books by eminent national and international authors on a variety of topics which students may regularly access to sharpen and broaden their knowledge.
There is a digital library facility in the campus and the students are encouraged to refer to journals and conference proceedings for their project works and seminars in the latest topics.
The library also possesses a number of magazines and periodicals also related to different branches of science and technology which the students may readily access.
The library also subscribes to a host of online and printed journals, which are also made readily available to the students The library also includes a computer room with Internet access which is often used by students to access various forms of e-materials for their self-development.
Students are encouraged to visit NPTEL lectures, browse different internet sites to increase their knowledge base about the subject. Moreover, through these activities students acquire relevant knowledge which is beyond the syllabus as Anna university curriculum.
Spoken Tutorials for skill development- The dept. conducts spoken tutorial certified courses by collaborating with IIT Bombay for enhancing coding skills in Python, C++, Java etc.,
Multimedia Class room facilities are provided to students for the better understanding of concepts
Signal processing problems are taught with the help of MATLAB tools. Hands- on – training provided to students especially for software’s like java ,python and assembling of electronics parts to develop full product etc.
Faculty Advisor system: Allocation of small group of students to each faculty. Faculty counselors monitor their corresponding student portfolios which records all the academic and non-academic activities. As a result of this students get more involved in teaching learning process
The Department of Humanities regularly organizes Soft Skill classes for various departments, based on availability and requirement, to enhance the students’ communication skills, grooming and body language to equip them for the professional world.
Students are asked to submit assignments on latest topic and are asked to use hardware / software’s for mini projects.
Students are exposed to latest developments through regular visits to industry and exhibitions.
The faculty members are encouraged to participate in short term courses, staff development programs and workshops on advanced topics to keep pace with the advanced level of knowledge and skills. Over the past years the faculties have been participating /presenting papers in national/international conferences and publish their articles in national/international journals to enrich their knowledge.
You tube lecture videos and PPT link
YouTube Lecture Videos of our Faculty Members
1. Dr.S.Karthigaiveni
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List of Funded Projects
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List of MoU’s with Industries Memorandum of understanding signed between department of ECE and various industries
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Anna University Rank Holders
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The Department is equipped with an excellent library catering the needs of UG students, faculties and research scholars of ECE Department. Every year books are added from various resources. The department library is well stocked with around 720 books. Additionally, the department library also stocks laboratory manuals and UG project reports.
In Central Library, department of ECE is having 6277 books, 1719 titles and 41 e-journals.
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Highlights of the Department
The Department is 27 years old
Highly qualified and experienced faculty members from reputed institutions like IIT and NIT
The average teaching experience of the faculty members of the department is 15 years
Nine well equipped laboratories namely
1. Electronic Devices Lab,
2. Communication Lab
3. Digital and Integrated Lab
4.Simulation Lab
5. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab
6.Microwave lab
7. Optical lab
8. Signal processing /VLSI lab,
9. Networks Lab.
NBA for three (3) consecutive term from 2002, 2007 and 2012
Smart class rooms with internet connectivity for effective teaching.
Guest lectures by industrial Experts, senior Professors and Alumni.
Hands on training and workshop conducted to enhance student’s skills.
The department has exclusive library.
High placement records in companies like Infosys, Wipro, HCL, TCS, CTS, Accenture, Capgemini and Byju’s with a descent salary package.
Six Memorandum of understanding (MOU) S have been executed with reputed Companies.
Research Publication in reputed journals and Patents.
Government funded projects
The department has been accredited by the NBA (National Board of Accreditation) 4 times
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 24.04.2002 for 3 years
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 04.05.2007 for 3 years
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 15.03.2012 for 3 years
Accredited by NBA-AICTE in 11.09.2024 for 3 years
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Contact Address:
The Head of Department,
Department of ECE,
Anjalai Ammal -Mahalingam Engineering College,
Thiruvarur (Dt)
Ph: 04374 232516
E - Mail: hodece@aamec.edu.in
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
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Programme Specific Objectives (PSOs)
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Programme Outcomes (POs)
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List of Publications of International/National Journal Academic year / Patents ACY: 2023-2024
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List of Books / Text Books written by Faculty – during the academic year 23-24
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ACY: 2022-2023
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ACY : 2020-2021
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ACY : 2019-2020
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Lab In-charge : DR.M.RENUGA/ AP / ECE Area (Sq.m) :123.6
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Lab In-charge : MR.V. RAJAKANI / AP /ECE
Area (Sq.m) :57.33
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Lab In-charge : MRS.K.SATHYA BHARATHI / AP /ECE Area (Sq.m): 123.6
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Lab In-charge : MRS.S.KAVITHA/ AP /ECE
Area (Sq.m): 117.8
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Lab In-charge : Mrs.J. NITHYA / AP /ECE
Area (Sq.m) : 146.64
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Lab In-charge : Mrs. P. PAVITHRA / AP / ECE Area (Sq.m) :146.64
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Lab In-charge : Mrs.I.SUBHA / ASP /ECE Area (Sq.m) : 146.64
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Lab In-charge : DR.C.THIRUVENGADAM / ASP / E.C.E
Area (Sq.m) : 136.64
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Lab In-charge: MR.G. MURUGESAN / ASP /ECE Area (Sq.m): 146.64
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Lab In-charge : Mr.K. KARTHICK BABU / AP / ECE
Area (Sq.m) : 95.71
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Lab incharge: DR.N. PRATHAP/ ASP / ECE
Area (Sq.m) : 95.71
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Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College Kovilvenni – 614 403
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning
Faculty members provide quality study materials to enrich students. Mode of teaching in this institute is not only limited to the traditional Chalk & Talk methods, But also an amalgamation of the modern technology (e.g. power point presentation, audiovisual teaching, online teaching etc.)
Use of modern teaching aids like LCD projectors, Internet enabled computer systems, Wi-Fi enabled laptops are usually employed in classrooms and other student learning environments.
Interactive learning through google classrooms and google forms for quiz- Faculty members involves the students to an active learning mode through google classrooms and conduct analytical quiz through google forms.
The course plans are distributed among the students by the subject teacher well in advance of the commencement of the class. Faculty shares the study materials among the students via e-mail, websites, hand-outs etc.
The biggest resource for self-learning is obviously the college library. The college library not only possesses plenty of books to meet the students’ syllabus oriented needs, but it also houses numerous books by eminent national and international authors on a variety of topics which students may regularly access to sharpen and broaden their knowledge.
There is a digital library facility in the campus and the students are encouraged to refer to journals and conference proceedings for their project works and seminars in the latest topics.
The library also possesses a number of magazines and periodicals also related to different branches of science and technology which the students may readily access.
The library also subscribes to a host of online and printed journals, which are also made readily available to the students The library also includes a computer room with Internet access which is often used by students to access various forms of e-materials for their self-development.
Students are encouraged to visit NPTEL lectures, browse different internet sites to increase their knowledge base about the subject. Moreover, through these activities students acquire relevant knowledge which is beyond the syllabus as Anna university curriculum.
Spoken Tutorials for skill development- The dept. conducts spoken tutorial certified courses by collaborating with IIT Bombay for enhancing coding skills in Python, C++, Java etc.,
Multimedia Class room facilities are provided to students for the better understanding of concepts
Signal processing problems are taught with the help of MATLAB tools. Hands- on – training provided to students especially for software’s like java ,python and assembling of electronics parts to develop full product etc.
Faculty Advisor system: Allocation of small group of students to each faculty. Faculty counselors monitor their corresponding student portfolios which records all the academic and non-academic activities. As a result of this students get more involved in teaching learning process
The Department of Humanities regularly organizes Soft Skill classes for various departments, based on availability and requirement, to enhance the students’ communication skills, grooming and body language to equip them for the professional world.
Students are asked to submit assignments on latest topic and are asked to use hardware / software’s for mini projects.
Students are exposed to latest developments through regular visits to industry and exhibitions.
The faculty members are encouraged to participate in short term courses, staff development programs and workshops on advanced topics to keep pace with the advanced level of knowledge and skills. Over the past years the faculties have been participating /presenting papers in national/international conferences and publish their articles in national/international journals to enrich their knowledge.
You tube lecture videos and PPT link
YouTube Lecture Videos of our Faculty Members
1. Dr.S.Karthigaiveni
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List of Funded Projects
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List of MoU’s with Industries Memorandum of understanding signed between department of ECE and various industries
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Anna University Rank Holders
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